Cerpen Bahasa Inggris tentang Perselingkuhan - Sebelumnya memang sudah pernah kita baca bersama cerpen dengan tema seperti ini yaitu tema perselingkuhan. Meski begitu tentu belum cukup bukan, kalau satu dua si masih kurang, maka dari itu kita tambah lagi koleksi-nya.
Walau dengan tema sama namun cerita yang satu ini sedikit berbeda karena cerita ini merupakan cerpen bahasa Inggris.
Dalam ceritanya sang toko akhirnya memutuskan untuk melakukan hal yang sama seperti yang telah dilakukan kekasihnya - yaitu selingkuh dengan orang lain.
Dalam ceritanya sang toko akhirnya memutuskan untuk melakukan hal yang sama seperti yang telah dilakukan kekasihnya - yaitu selingkuh dengan orang lain.
Jangan ditiru ya, kalau sudah tak cocok kan lebih baik jujur dari pada saling menyakiti. Sebenarnya bagaimana kisah dalam cerpen bahasa Inggris singkat tersebut?
Dalam kisah cerpen perselingkuhan berjudul "I do the same" ini seseorang begitu merasakan sakit hati yang amat dalam. Begitu sering disakiti hingga akhirnya dia pun putus asa, merasa putus asa dan sangat marah.
Dalam kisah cerpen perselingkuhan berjudul "I do the same" ini seseorang begitu merasakan sakit hati yang amat dalam. Begitu sering disakiti hingga akhirnya dia pun putus asa, merasa putus asa dan sangat marah.
Akhirnya, dengan posisi ter-sakiti dia pun membalas perlakuan sang kekasih. Bercinta dengan orang lain seperti yang telah kekasihnya lakukan, memang terlihat memuaskan hati namun sebenarnya tidak.
Meski akhirnya amarahnya bisa berkurang namun tetap saja mereka masih memiliki masalah yang belum terselesaikan.
Meski akhirnya amarahnya bisa berkurang namun tetap saja mereka masih memiliki masalah yang belum terselesaikan.
Harus ada penyelesaian, harus ada keputusan yang diambil. Kira-kira bagaimana akhir dari cerita tersebut? Dari pada penasaran lebih baik kita baca sendiri saja cerpen bahasa Inggris singkat berjudul "I do the same" tersebut.
Do the Same
Oleh Irma
If I had been admiring you it is because you are so awesome, perfect no gap. If the first I bow in his great feeling you give it because thou art a person who is able to give me enlightenment. All, at that time, it was so beautiful. But unfortunately, all that you give only temporary, now no longer see the calm gaze of yourself.
True, I'm not being boasted or being proud of myself. You are the first to destroy hope, you were the first to make love not viable. Now all a distant memory, a feeling of disappointment which ultimately will help in this heart.
Before I introduce you to Dinda our love is so beautiful. After the meeting I myself do not realize that there will be a catastrophe happens. "Friends eating friend", a term that is suitable to describe the affair that you do.
Of course, as a woman I am obviously devastated, even not just broken but really messy. Exam is certainly not as easy as it made me give up. After a quarrel, eventually you too pitiful to me. "I'm very sorry for all of this, I did not mean it, I err dear, I'm sorry", so sincere you apologize to me. The request was able to paralyze my ego.
"In the name of love, I'm willing to forgive you"
Day as usual, our relationship gradually improved. Slowly the pain began to disappear, I do not remember ever even started anything like it. At that time I started to build the trust that once had collapsed. I began my fertilizer and flush again this holy love.
I began to dare to rely in part of my life to you. In fact, I started to put you on the most important position. But ...
Exam my back naturally, accidentally I read intimate message from someone on the phone that you have. "Ah, beautiful smile, when when I see it again?", It is a sound message that I read. It makes my blood boil was torn, I'm really upset that moment.
At that time we were spending the night alone in the cinema week with favorite movies. Without waiting is over, the war was imminent, before expressing anger.
He was able to catch me when I was growing up, but it keeps me feeling shattered passed.
The next day, my eyes still feels swollen from crying all night. Sounded on the door, he stood at the door with a look the same as me - like not sleep all night.
He persuaded me, he assured me that it was a hoax colleagues. Whether true or how obvious teasing he explained that he did not do anything, he still love me.
Many times have you cheated my love
I know all about you liar
You're getting me aside robber
You're more painful
My feeling uncertain, I'm really upset. I still love him, of course, but I'm really sick. I was only able to bury themselves in the room, I do not think of him that kept trying to persuade me.
Three days passed, as has been forgotten, even thought I had gone. That afternoon I was pensive when he again came knocking on my door.
Apparently he returned miserably, assured that all was not his fault. I ignored it but somehow able to make me his attitude liquid. I let myself fall in the arms of his chest again. But I did not forget about it. I said to myself, "do not blame if I was cheating, because you're also two-timing me!"
Do you get angry I have a stash
Because you also have an affair
If you can I can
I will do the same
I wonder what it was but the underlying feeling of resentment already smoldering. I wipe the tears in the arms of her, but my heart is still burning.
The pain this heart has given rise to resentment that slowly erodes the love that I have. That I felt then, I received a hug it just to make sure I could reply to all he has done.
Never assume I'm low, never playing with my heart. I was faithful to you but it first before you tear down the flavor. Now our relationship came to an end in itself.
Akhirnya, sebuah cerpen tentang perselingkuhan telah kita baca. Ini adalah edisi pertama untuk jenis cerpen dalam bahasa Inggris yang diberikan. Jangan lupa, ke depan masih akan banyak cerita seperti ini lagi yang tentunya di tulis dalam bahasa Inggris.